Chelated Minerals

Chelamax® Vanadium

Chelated Vanadium Mineral Ingredients

Chelamax® Vanadium

Vanadium is a trace mineral that can be found in small amounts in certain foods like mushrooms, shellfish, black pepper, and whole grains. While it is not considered an essential nutrient for humans, it can be found in supplement form due to suggested potential health benefits, including cardiovascular health.^*

Dietary supplement manufacturers utilize chelated minerals because of their superior bioavailability. As part of the Chelamax® mineral portfolio, we have applied our 3-Step verification process to our Chelamax® Bismalto Oxo Vanadium (BMOV) to prove mineral chelation for our customers.

To find the right product for your application, see our Chelamax® Bismalto Oxo Vanadium product information.

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Chelamax® Technical Application Guide

Our new multi-page guide provides physical and chemical properties of some of our most popular chelated minerals, a product Application Selector and more.
Download Guide

Other Chelated Minerals

^Vanadium: Risks and possible benefits in the light of a comprehensive overview of its pharmacotoxicological mechanisms and multi-applications with a summary of further research trends - PMC (

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This ingredient is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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